سانیار تجهیز مجدی

How did Sanyar Tehzih Magdi start?


Relying on the technical knowledge and experience gained from thousands of piping cases by hundreds of experts in many public and private centers, after three years of continuous effort, a product was finally produced that, according to many professors, can compete with very famous European, Canadian, and American examples. and it is even better than them in important cases, such as the simplicity of piping. At the same time, it has a much more reasonable price and the existence of reliable after-sales services provided by this company, has completely relieved the imagination of consumers from providing the required parts.

We thank God that many centers are using Sanyar’s video laryngoscope and this company has been able to take an effective step towards realizing its motto, simplicity of treatment, with its product. Countless patients have been treated with less pain tolerance, and many specialists, by using this device, in addition to providing better services to patients, have also reduced their problems in managing patients’ airways.


In 2018 and at the same time as the spread of corona disease, there was an increasing need to manage the airways of patients. At the same time, specialists had to use direct laryngoscopy devices for this purpose, which in addition to the problems of intubation, especially in difficult cases, created many risks for themselves.

It was at this time that the founders of Sanyar Tjhiz Majdi Company, in collaboration with Tehran University professors and specialists from various hospitals, including Sina Hospital, started working to produce an Iranian video laryngoscope. In this way, in addition to solving the problem of airway management of patients in the Corona era and eliminating the risks of direct exposure of specialists due to the use of simple laryngoscopes, it should also be a way forward in other cases of airway management, including operating rooms, ICUs, emergency rooms, etc.

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